Friday, September 12, 2008


Ok, I'm back to it.  The internet was hooked up in my apartment on Monday night, but I have been very busy the last week or two.  My community English conversation classes started last week and today was the first advanced class.  I am really enjoying teaching these, it gives me a chance to talk with people from the island about many different things.  It helps me to feel more like a part of the community.

The big news as far as I am concerned is Typhoon Sinlaku...  it seems as though it might head over this way sometime early next week.  I have never been in a typhoon before so it should be quite the experience.  When I was on Ooshima this week to teach at the elementary school, the farmers on the island were lashing down the coverings on the greenhouses in preparation of the storm.
The people here seem to be relatively used to this sort of thing happening.  They are not panicking or worried about it as far as I can tell.  In fact, people only talk about it if I ask them questions.  It definitely explains the elaborate drainage systems and reinforcements that are constructed all over the island.  I'm preparing for it, but not overly concerned.  I'll be updating and documenting what I can if this thing does head this way.

Thats all for now... more again soon.

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