Friday, May 2, 2008

Rain and cold...

Have soaked me to my bones.  It was a really wet ride home from work tonight.  I'm having trouble getting rid of the chill that set in.  Today was a rough day at work, I was dragging the whole time.  I am really feeling the motivation to get things done leaving me.  The lack of motivation grows every day.  The weather doesnt help things either.  The one thing I am looking forward to at work is the commercial shoot on Tuesday.  It will be kind of fun to be on TV again.  Hopefully I can get a copy of it from the station and post it on here.

Other than work getting in the way, I've been feeling great.  Still havent been practicing my Japanese like I should... hopefully this weekend, I have both days off.  I can get that ivy finally painted over too, god that has been a long time coming.

Well, heading out for some homegrown tonight and catch some music!
Speaking of that, Molly gave me some music last night, Camera Obscura and Broken Social Scene.  Both I had heard of but not really listened to, I'm listening to Obscura right now...I'm in to it, kind of Haley Bonar/Fiest-ish but not quite?

Right, thats it for now.

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