I've got a lot to update today, I'm going to break it into a couple of posts though so it is less overwhelming. I'll start with Friday night out for Homegrown. I started out at the brewhouse and met up with Underwood. We stayed there for a little while, but I headed out to see Chad Salmela's band Nell E-A-3-0. Whoever was playing before them was not very good. Luckily I only caught the tail end of them! Salmela wasn't too bad.
Underwood joined me after a while, and we headed down to Luce to catch some Giljunko and hear the Turtles after them.
We got in the door just fine, I think a line started outside just after we made it in.
The place was packed as usual for Trampled. I really wasn't expecting that much from them tonight, I'm not in to their shows like I used to be. I was still surprised at how jam-bandish they sounded tonight. Everything was played at superspeed, its was all about getting hyper and jumping up and down. I mean, shit, I love to dance to good fast bluegrass...but this is not dancing, and no longer very bluegrass. The crowd eats it up as usual...not because they like the music, but because it's cool to like the Turtles, apparently. Oh well.
1 comment:
(eh brett, what was happenin at about 2am saturday night?)
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