Sunday, March 15, 2009

Finally, a few pictures!

Here is a slideshow from the photo album showing some of the pictures I took of the new house. You can see that they start out with the floor removed and the old tatami pulled out. The house sat like this for about three days while things dried out. Then the new tatami went in and you should be able to see a little bit of how things looked after that process was done. Unfortunately I only have three "after" photos of the place so far. I guess I need to take a few more. The next step for the house is to replace the paper on the sliding shoji doors and get some Japanese style curtains to separate the rooms and add some color. I'm also working on the garden outside.


Hello Lindello said...

wow! This place looks much better than your last. Your last one was nice, but this looks so zen and beautiful. You must be so excited. So do they usually replace the floors when people move out?

Brett Rasmussen said...

Thanks Kate, it is way better than the apartment. Older and more natural, and I feel much more freedom in that place! Freedom to go outside and plant things, listen to music at more than a whisper, and freedom to make any changes I want. Its great!