Thursday, August 7, 2008

Brett Bucks

I decided to make up some fake money at work today. I think I am going to use it to give to my students when they use spontanious english with me outside of the classroom. The more difficult the english, the more bucks they get. They can then use the "Brett Bucks" to get something... I haven't decided what yet, maybe candy or small items I have from the US. I'll figure that part out later.

I figure that this scheme might encourage them to use their english skills outside of the classroom a bit more. We'll see.

Here are pictures of my $1 and $5 amounts so far:

Incidently, it can be a bit laborious to do difficult tasks on my japanese laptop. Most of the menus are written in Kanji (difficult to read much of the time) so either i am choosing options based on memory from using the english version, or it is trial and error until i click the right one.

Ahh, sodesu. I am getting the hang of it anyways!

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